Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Avenyx: Trolls
Friday, May 21, 2010
Oomshakalaka: Reflections on the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

We cannot escape the War of the Shifting Sands. Rajaxx may have been defeated and C'thun cast down, yet we continually return to Silithus.
Fendral Staghelm first proved himself in that war. Whether or not you agree with his policies in Darnassus or his leadership of the Cenarion Circle, he did not come to his position by happenstance. He is an intelligent, capable, very powerful leader. And Teldrassil was his idea. Again, whether or not you agree with the decision to plant Teldrassil, it provided a badly needed rallying point for the Night Elf Nation. Our Empire, from Auberdine to Azshara, Hyjal to Feralas, had just been destroyed by raw elemental upheaval. We had, literally, sacrificed everything, our homes, our families, our immortal lives, to save the world. Yet we had no place in it. And Staghelm gave us that place.
Of course, we wanted Teldrassil to be all he promised it would be. Our new Home. Our new Nordrassil. Our new Immortality. Even while we knew it could not be, not without the Dragonflights' blessings, we still dared hope it might be. Or at least hoped that in working towards that goal, perhaps we could accomplish something good. And we have! Despite its flaws, Teldrassil is beautiful. Darnassus is a magnificent capital. Even if it has not been all Staghelm promised, it has become our home. That is no small thing.
I have to admit I find myself in the rapidly growing camp of those who do not always agree with Staghelm. But I understand, at least intuitively, the complex reasons he argued for Teldrassil. I empathize with his own personal hope to recover what he personally lost in the War of the Shifting Sands, what we lost to wars in general. I think at some level all Night Elves do. That's why we return to Silithus so often. Even if all that remains of the Silithid threat is a few weakened hives, some scattered cultist camps, we still continue to fight them. You see, the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are not confined to a small corner of a distant desert.
Fendral Staghelm first proved himself in that war. Whether or not you agree with his policies in Darnassus or his leadership of the Cenarion Circle, he did not come to his position by happenstance. He is an intelligent, capable, very powerful leader. And Teldrassil was his idea. Again, whether or not you agree with the decision to plant Teldrassil, it provided a badly needed rallying point for the Night Elf Nation. Our Empire, from Auberdine to Azshara, Hyjal to Feralas, had just been destroyed by raw elemental upheaval. We had, literally, sacrificed everything, our homes, our families, our immortal lives, to save the world. Yet we had no place in it. And Staghelm gave us that place.
Of course, we wanted Teldrassil to be all he promised it would be. Our new Home. Our new Nordrassil. Our new Immortality. Even while we knew it could not be, not without the Dragonflights' blessings, we still dared hope it might be. Or at least hoped that in working towards that goal, perhaps we could accomplish something good. And we have! Despite its flaws, Teldrassil is beautiful. Darnassus is a magnificent capital. Even if it has not been all Staghelm promised, it has become our home. That is no small thing.
I have to admit I find myself in the rapidly growing camp of those who do not always agree with Staghelm. But I understand, at least intuitively, the complex reasons he argued for Teldrassil. I empathize with his own personal hope to recover what he personally lost in the War of the Shifting Sands, what we lost to wars in general. I think at some level all Night Elves do. That's why we return to Silithus so often. Even if all that remains of the Silithid threat is a few weakened hives, some scattered cultist camps, we still continue to fight them. You see, the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are not confined to a small corner of a distant desert.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Avenyx: In the Army Now

Have you seen how much a new set of plate armor sells for in the auction hall? You might be able to find a wolf set piece for 4 or 5 gold. A good bear piece, though, will get posted for at least 10 times that much. If you can find one there at all. I'm not paying that. I'm trying to save up for training a protection spec at the same time I'm going to want that new armor.
Fortunately, I have a couple of heirloom pieces. I picked up a helmet while fighting that lich over in Razorfen Downs. I'll be able to make my own leggings and gauntlets. To complete my set of plate armor, I've signed up for official soldier duty. Mostly I'm fighting the Orcs and their allies in Warsong Gulch. Sometimes I get sent to help out the Humans in Arathi Basin. Turns out the military outfits their warriors pretty well.
Fortunately, I have a couple of heirloom pieces. I picked up a helmet while fighting that lich over in Razorfen Downs. I'll be able to make my own leggings and gauntlets. To complete my set of plate armor, I've signed up for official soldier duty. Mostly I'm fighting the Orcs and their allies in Warsong Gulch. Sometimes I get sent to help out the Humans in Arathi Basin. Turns out the military outfits their warriors pretty well.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Coccinelle: Tree Form

I've got a horrible confession. When I'm in a battleground, like say Arathi Basin for example, and I ride into a fight, like I recently did at the Gold Mine, and see one of my allies throw a shiney bright ball of life and light into the fray, I make the conscious decision right then to remain in caster form. You see, that priest just made a target of herself and there's not a whole lot that will dissuade our opponents from trying to kill her. But one thing that might is a tree wildly waving around her arms full of healthy leafy greens.
So the horrible confession? After the cataclysm, I'm not going to miss tree form. Not one bit. I don't even like tree form. And I'm not just talking about being ugly. I mean it is ugly, but even worse than that is just how conspicuous the form is.
I rarely even use tree form. I stealth into Arenas, and leave stealth when I cast cyclone. I want to cast roots and moonfire and switch to cat forms to create distance. The only time I use tree form is when the opposing team starts to focus fire me and I need the extra armor. You know how they're saying the "new" tree form will be a cool down based ability to generate significant burst healing? That sounds really good for those situations.
Sometimes I feel guilty about deflecting attention to my sister-in-law, Leafpool. I mean, like, I'm not actually trying to get her attacked, but I know I could draw attention off her pretty easily and instead I stay all sneaky and mix up heals with cc.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Oomshakalaka: Leukemia

Heading into ICC for a progression night, Sholandria broke the news to us. Condon's 13 year old daughter had died Sunday morning to Leukemia. What do you say? Of course there was an outpouring of love and concern for Con and Shol. There was a moment of silence. Tears. Unfortunately, we know that no matter what we say or do, it doesn't change things or fix things.
There was this whole welling of emotions. Personally, I was angry. I wanted to rip through ICC, find a boss named Leukemia and kill him right there on the spot. Then come back next week and kill him again. And again the week after that, and the next week and the next and the next and when the Cataclysm comes and we've levelled on up past where raiding ICC serves any purpose, keep coming back anyway, every week, just to kill Leukemia.
Yet somehow, "let's go kill things" seemed like a hollow response to the death of a loved one.
So perhaps, in some cosmic, karmic way it was appropriate that our current progression is at Valithria Dreamwalker. We have tried the fight several times, mostly for a change of pace after beating our heads against the wall on other bosses. So we've seen it. Healers have to heal up Valithria while a continuous stream of adds come into the fight. Some are Suppressors, whose job is merely to apply debuffs to Valithria that slow down the healers' work. Most are just various types of undead come to kill us, drive us out.
Now that the other bosses are down, though, it's time we actually figure out how to save Valithria. We got into it and learned more about the fight. I learned Typhoon won't knockback the Suppressors, but it does slow them. Enough to kill them before they can begin channelling their debuff. We learned that there is an "enrage timer" equivelant. Eventually, the pace at which adds enter the fight increases dramatically. Too many swarm in for us to kill quickly enough before we are overrun. We tried switching up which healer was the primary on Valritha, how many entered her portals at a time to get the healing buff. Even, before figuring out the the acceleration of adds was actually an enrage timer equivelant, we had me try healing until the acceleration hit. My heal-fu simply is not strong enough.
Most importantly, I think we figured out that the if we let the tanks pull close to the center where it was easier to AoE all the adds together, and used ranged AoE to take down the Supressors, then the dps and tanking was not too difficult. So we tried bringing in a fourth healer. And it worked. While the rest of us kept the Undead occupied, those four healers were the night's heroes and we saved Valithria.
How I wish, I wish, I wish we could have done something like that for Condon.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Coccinelle: A Whole New World

Tyrk and I used to live in, like, a whole different world, you know? Back on the Dentarg server, Horde totally dominated Wintergrasp. I mean, I didn't go very often, but Tyrk did and he'd come back all, "Oh man, 120K health is awesome!" and, "heh, I 2 shot a shammy today." But we'd still lose. Because you can only get that crazy with, like, 15-20 stacks of tenacity. And when you're outnumbered 15:1, it doesn't matter who you can 2 shot, the other 14 of them will keep you stunned until you're dead.
Well here on the Exodar server, I got the itch to get back into battleground healing. It is just, like, so fun, so satisfying, to be in this wild crazy melee keeping your side alive until they win. And on this server, the horde/alliance ratio in Wintergrasp is totally opposite what it was on Dentarg.
Sometimes it's pretty daunting to see 16 siege engines at the front gate within 5 minutes of the battle starting. You know, like, before half your team has even zoned in? But that only happens after we've controlled Wintergrasp, like, 10 hours straight. And even then only if 16 horde drivers show up. And even then sometimes we still win, 'cause they sure don't have 16 gunners.
Well, I guess the point is that I empathize with how the horde must be feeling. But it sure is nice to be on the winning side.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Oomshakalaka: the blame game.

That wipe last night? It was entirely my fault.
Fighting the Blood Council, everything was going according to plan. I was on "disco ball duty". As Valanar's Kinetic bombs descend, it was my job, along with Sholandria and Nightshara, to catch them and prevent them from hitting the floor. We were doing it well. As I attempted to Moonfire one bomb, I accidently set off a Starfall. As quickly as I could, I stopped the flurry, but the damage had been done. I had destroyed the Dark Nuclei Zaibas was kiting. Keleseth's next Shadow Lance killed him. Keleseth then proceeded to systematically execute the rest of us.
Fortunately, Chrofang was able to DI Elauriel, so she survived to ressurect us all.
We regrouped, assaulted the Council again and after a long, tough fight, we beat them. So it's a happy ending right? I'll keep telling myself that.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Avenyx: Gone Fishing

It's nice to be needed, as a tanky type. Everyone wants someone to strap on a shield and go headfirst into the enemy stronghold, and I guess I do well enough at it. But taking care of all the needy deeps doesn't leave much time to just myself. To practice professions or whatnot. So I took that time off from tanking to go fishing in Hillsbrad. Hunted some giant turtles while I was at it. And a bunch of raptors in Arathi. I guess there's this quest I gotta' do in some fighting ring off the Barrens' coast near ratchet. Teach me a new fighting stance. I'll get around to it. It's been nice to relax for a bit.
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