Tyrk and I used to live in, like, a whole different world, you know? Back on the Dentarg server, Horde totally dominated Wintergrasp. I mean, I didn't go very often, but Tyrk did and he'd come back all, "Oh man, 120K health is awesome!" and, "heh, I 2 shot a shammy today." But we'd still lose. Because you can only get that crazy with, like, 15-20 stacks of tenacity. And when you're outnumbered 15:1, it doesn't matter who you can 2 shot, the other 14 of them will keep you stunned until you're dead.
Well here on the Exodar server, I got the itch to get back into battleground healing. It is just, like, so fun, so satisfying, to be in this wild crazy melee keeping your side alive until they win. And on this server, the horde/alliance ratio in Wintergrasp is totally opposite what it was on Dentarg.
Sometimes it's pretty daunting to see 16 siege engines at the front gate within 5 minutes of the battle starting. You know, like, before half your team has even zoned in? But that only happens after we've controlled Wintergrasp, like, 10 hours straight. And even then only if 16 horde drivers show up. And even then sometimes we still win, 'cause they sure don't have 16 gunners.
Well, I guess the point is that I empathize with how the horde must be feeling. But it sure is nice to be on the winning side.
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