The Blood Council drops a very nice polearm. So I was kinda stoked to take Oom's place raiding Icecrown this week for that fight.
Then we ran into a snag. You see, Oom is usually on disco ball duty. Kinda' makes sense for someone with multiple good DoTs. Every tick knocks the orb back up. So it's usually him, plus Sholandria and Finola helping out when she can conveniently get off shots on nearby orbs. Shol wasn't there this week. And with me taking Oom's place, that meant only Fin with any experience. Another hunter, Darkroney, was the only other ranged dps in the group and it was his first time in the fight.
So it didn't go well. Not to point fingers or place blame or anything. I mean, it was tough on Oom his first times through. It's counterintutive for dps to enter the fight and not try to kill the boss right? But that's what you do. For whoever is on disco ball duty, hitting the Blood Princes is secondary to watching for orbs, getting in range and keeping them off the ground. That takes some practice.
We wiped three times before deciding to let the main raiders back in. Then we beat it no problem.
And my polearm dropped.
Or Darkroney's polearm now, I suppose.
Then we ran into a snag. You see, Oom is usually on disco ball duty. Kinda' makes sense for someone with multiple good DoTs. Every tick knocks the orb back up. So it's usually him, plus Sholandria and Finola helping out when she can conveniently get off shots on nearby orbs. Shol wasn't there this week. And with me taking Oom's place, that meant only Fin with any experience. Another hunter, Darkroney, was the only other ranged dps in the group and it was his first time in the fight.
So it didn't go well. Not to point fingers or place blame or anything. I mean, it was tough on Oom his first times through. It's counterintutive for dps to enter the fight and not try to kill the boss right? But that's what you do. For whoever is on disco ball duty, hitting the Blood Princes is secondary to watching for orbs, getting in range and keeping them off the ground. That takes some practice.
We wiped three times before deciding to let the main raiders back in. Then we beat it no problem.
And my polearm dropped.
Or Darkroney's polearm now, I suppose.
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